So much has happened since I last blogged. It would be fair to say that it has taken me a while to get my head around studying again, but I am now well and truly in the swing of it, which hopefully means that I will be able to keep up with my blog from now on. I have handed in my midwifery application and am now just keeping my fingers crossed, probably won't hear until sometime in November and the waiting is HORRIBLE!! There have been quite a few applicants this year so who knows if I will get in, but I guess that I will know soon enough. I have also had mid-term exams which were very full on, but I worked hard and so far have gotten all A's, it's good to know that my mummy brain is still in good working order!!
I can't even think about what we have been up to since I last blogged, we have had lot's of lovely weather so have spent heaps of time outdoors.
There has been pony riding.....
Then most importantly of all, when I thought that life couldn't get any busy, along came our new addition to the family and yep life got a WHOLE LOT BUSIER!!!!! May I introduce to you our beautiful and extremely naughty chocolate Lab LENNY..........